Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Collards, take two.

Last week I made collard greens, and they were pretty tasty thanks to the addition of bacon.  I still had some bacon left, so I wanted to see how to improve.  Rather than just improvising, I thought I'd give this recipe a try.  Alongside it, I also wanted to try Mark Bittman's method for cooking salmon that I saw on the New York Times website this week, but using some Cajun seasoning I have in my pantry.  Both recipes were huge successes, and paired really nicely.  While the collards were simmering, the smell of the cider vinegar was really strong.  I was quite surprised when the sweetness of the brown sugar came through in the first bite.  The flavors melded really well: sour, sweet, spicy, salty.  This recipe does take some time to make, but you could easily let the greens simmer all afternoon.  The salmon, wild-caught Silver Coho bought frozen from Trader Joe's, cooked up really fast because my filets were so small.  I think this is my new preferred way to prepare fish!

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