Saturday, May 28, 2011

Arugula Garlic Pesto

I have big plans for my collards, but have let the more fragile lettuces get a little wilty in my crisper.  There's far too much arugula to be eaten in one day, so I decided to make a pesto.  There's a recipe I've been thinking of trying for a while, and while my oatmeal was cooking I threw it together.  Lucikly, I had all the other ingredients on hand.

My first batch of arugula pesto
  My 4-cup food processor was not really happy mixing the arugula and walnuts on their own, but it really came together with the olive oil.  I also added some garlic to give it a little more flavor.  The walnut base really reminds me of my favorite Caucasian treat: Georgian walnut sauce, which is made with cilantro.  The peppery kick of arugula makes for a really flavorful pesto as well.  I'm looking forward to making some chicken and pasta with this, and spreading on sandwiches and crackers.  Seeing as I only used half of the bunch, and arugula season is just beginning, this won't be the last iteration!

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