Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Winter greens, hearty meals

The greens are back at the farm!  This week, I got chard, kale & arugula.  More on the kale later, but this week's arugula went straight into a pesto.  I love the combination of arugula with walnuts, but this recipe is really missing garlic for me.  But, it went quite well with the wheat berries I boiled.  The chard got braised in this recipe.  (I only had a small bunch of chard, so I halved the recipe.) Like the description says, it really does taste like something that has been cooking all day.  The flavors are really amazing, especially considering it uses canned beans.  On a crisp fall day or a cold winter night, this vegetarian meal will stick to your ribs and keep you warm.

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