Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back in the saddle

Adorable tiny graffiti eggplant!

After quite the hiatus, I'm back to cooking with the amazing produce from my CSA.  Soon I hope to write a bit about my food life while I was in Russia, but in the meantime, more seasonal Jersey veggies.  Since I only arrived on Friday after a 32-hour journey home, my roommate was kind enough to visit the farm for me.  This week's haul: eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes (unlimited pick-your-own!), onions, bell peppers, jalapenos, Hungarian wax peppers (and some rather similar looking sweet peppers, but we quickly discovered you can distinguish them by smell), cucumber, butternut squash and a mix of herbs.  This is an entirely different ball game from the greens of June.

Eggplant draining in the sink
Recently, I came across a recipe for ratatouille from my favorite, Mark Bittman, on the NY Times food blog.  Ratatouille is great for being entirely vegetarian, and yet a truly comforting dish.  But most importantly: all of the ingredients for this version were found in my farm share this week.  This is a sign.  So, on Saturday, in between catching up on emails, TV & work, I took a break to do some cooking.  I'd forgotten how much I enjoy using my knives and my non-stick skillet, but I do miss the gas stove I had in Russia.  I set to chopping while the eggplant was draining in the sink, and before I knew it, the dish was done.  Following Bittman's advice, I let it set for a while, to let the flavors meld and perhaps to try it cold.  Couldn't wait that long, but it was delicious regardless.

Steaming hot ratatouille


  1. Hey Cori! Just found your blog (via facebook)--it looks fab and I'm excited to try some of your recipes. If you want to check out my family's cooking blog, too, here it is: http://chezchientoby.blogspot.com/. Not too sophisticated, but I promise it all tastes good =) I hope you're doing well! --Suzanne van Landingham

  2. Cori, thanks for the invite to your blog, looks good and I can't wait to post some of your recipes in our newsletter www.griggstownquailfarm.com
